Network Heaven is a ministry of Forest Baptist Church and founded by Anne Salvador Dunlop back in 2001.

We source obsolete goods from Promotional Companies and the Corporate sector and include them in a Christmas gift for a needy child in Sri Lanka. Essentially we recycle what Companies no longer use either because of branding changes or printing errors or overstock and distribute them through our Partners in Sri Lanka to those in need saving it from landfill in Australia. We have been doing this long before the word ‘Sustainability’ became a buzz word and a global challenge.

We have supported many disadvantaged students over the years and are proud to say we have 3 university graduates and one going through university.

Each year we seek out volunteers from the Corporate sector and friends from the community to attend our packing week. We remove all packaging and then pack each childs gift in a bag of some sort with their name and ship them to various partners in Sri Lanka who distribute these gifts during Christmas and through January each year.

We assist hundreds of children living in the plantation sector through contacts from schools and Partners who are willing to pay the taxes and transport the goods to a point of distribution. All photos are sent together with feed back.

In 2023 we plan to ship at least 100 cartons to various groups and need assistance to sort, wrap and pack these gifts. See Volunteering page for more information.

We are a small group and welcome assistance with goods in kind and donations towards shipping. See donations page.

” We can do no great things. Only small things with great love’ – Mother Teresa

Each year Network Heaven sends a gift pack to disadvantaged children in rural Sri Lanka. The current Financial Debt Crisis in Sri Lanka has severely impacted children living below the poverty line. Your help is needed to make the 2024 shipment happen. Our gift packs are a catalyst to assist the children with their education in the hope they can have a better future.

We have over 700+ names of children and their grade at school. Most live in plantations. Children are of all races and religions. We have purchased and collected donated goods needed to be included in the gift packs. Each pack is for a named child and includes a new set of clothes, underwear, school pack, novelty item or small toy. We also include laminated alphabet sheets for the younger children in 3 languages: Sinhala, Tamil and English. When available obsolete promo goods such as caps, bags, drink bottles and the like are included.

What’s involved: sorting and removing packaging and collate items, wrap and pack gifts, make up shipping cartons for various locations and pack them in the relevant boxes. A huge task.

If you have access to obsolete corporate gift items such as caps, bags, pens, drink bottles, notebooks, clothing, writing pads, pens and any stationery and novelty items we would love to include them.

in aid of Sri Lankan children living in poverty



Every single cent raised goes to Network Heaven, a wonderful local charity providing children suffering extreme poverty in Sri Lanka with vital equipment that will allow them to attend school. 

It’ll be even more fun than our last trivia night – with questions on 80smusic, sport, TV,movies, world events, science, history and much more!.

IMPORTANT: You don’t have to be ‘of a certain age’ – questions will be suitable for everyone!

  • Discounted bar prices!
  • Nibbles included! (dietary requirments catered for)
  • Mega Raffle with over $2,000 in fantastic prizes!
  • Best dressed table prize!
  • Interactive games!

Book your table of up to 8 people TODAY!! 

WHERE: Balgowlah RSL, Ethel Street, Balgowlah
WHEN: Friday May 10, 7pm
WHY: You’ll be changing lives. Plus, you deserve a fun night out!
HOW MUCH: Just $50 per person!
DRESS CODE: Outrageous 80s!


The past 6 months has been spent purchasing school stationery for children from disadvantaged communities in almost every province in Sri Lanka. Funding was from the Trivia night in November 2022.

School stationery costing A$7,800 has been purchased for 1,044 children from disadvantaged backgrounds from many districts in Sri Lanka. Cost A$8 per student and purchased locally but not the full suite. Local purchasing in Sri Lanka was problematic due to the volumes not being available from any single shop in most areas. In some cases we purchased from the Agent of the manufacturer in that province or area. Purchase for each group took 5 to 6 weeks with constant follow up with all parties include a third party who was the bridge between countries. So its been extremely time consuming. But we reached many who would have otherwise struggled under trying conditions that is being felt by the poor who have been dealt a hard blow by the current economic situation.

There is a story behind each face. Most are hidden. There were many who had thongs and many bare feet. The current price of a locally manufactured school shoe for teenagers cost approximately A$24. It is impossible for a worker on a daily wage of A$6 or even $8 to buy shoes. Food comes first & now so very costly.

We hope & pray the stationery will help them gain a better life in the future. Your support is appreciated.


A big thank you to all who donated goods and attended the packing week. Over 1,000 individual gifts were packed with many additional items of clothing and stationery that will benefit many disadvantaged children in distant rural communities in Sri Lanka. The school packs will make a huge difference in the new school year commencing January 2023. Photos below of many volunteers at Forest Baptist Church hard at work.

Dry Rations Arrive at the Bethlehem Creche – 16 July 2022

Thank you to all who made this donation possible. 30 packs of dry rations for families connected to the Bethlehem Creche have been delivered today (16 July 22). Each pack consisted of 5 kg rice, 3 kg dhaal, 1 x 400gm coconut milk powder and 6 pkts x 500 gms samaposha (childrens cereal). Additionally 25kg of rice and 20 kgs of dhaal together with 2 x 1kg pkts of coconut milk powder for use at the creche plus 50 pkts x 500 gms of samaposha (cereal for children) on stand by when no dry rations are available for families – had been purchased (July 2022). The Total cost A$900.

Thank you to all our supporters and friends who made this possible at a time when so many struggle to get just one meal for the day.

July 2022 – Funding for Dry Ration Packs for 30 families at the Bethlehem Creche is planned

We are currently planning to provide 30 dry ration packs consisting 5 kg rice, 3 kg dhaal and 6 pkts of samaposha (childrens corn cereal) and 1 pkt of coconut milk powder to 30 families. Each package is estimated at around A$23 including delivery to the Bethlehem Creche. The families connected with the Creche will collect these packs as in the past. It is not possible to provide a pack for every family due to cost constraints. However, I am assured that there is a system of distribution so for now I am looking for funding of A$ 700 for 30 packs. I will update this page as and when funds have been received.

Banking details are on the donate page.

As in recent media reports Sri Lanka is in a financial crisis and has no foreign exchange reserves to purchase oil, cooking gas, medicines and basic food. Many poor families are unable to provide even 1 meal. Milk powder is now prohibitively expensive and beyond reach due to the price.

Thank you to all who made this donation possible! This appeal is now closed 12 July 2022

Vale Winsome Menzies – Lady with a big heart!

We are saddened by the passing of one of our longstanding and hardest working volunteers – Winsome Menzies.

Since 2005 until about 2 years ago (15 years) Winsome has made thousands of library bags, dresses for little girls, hankies, marble bags, petticoat skirts with great gusto and enthusiasm. She worked for long hours into the night sewing these items.

She also raised funds for the many purchases through her bridge clubs and family and friends. She organised an annual fund raising concert put on by ‘Loosely Woven’ a local group in the early years. Thousands of Sri Lankan children have benefited from Winsome’s efforts to gain a better education and thereby change their future! She was an inspiration to all who were privileged to meet her ‘in action’ for such a worthy cause.

We give thanks to God for her love, support and enthusiasm to help many disadvantaged children in poor rural communities in Sri Lanka.

A ‘Thanksgiving Service’ is being held on Monday 27th June at 1 pm at Forest Baptist Church, 617 Warringah Road Forestville 2087. All are welcome to attend.

Note: The service will be livestreamed on at 1pm AEST. If you log in too early you are likely to get previous services.

MAY 2022 – Educational toys for a pre school

In Feb this year 3 cartons of educational toys were sent to a pre school on the Island of Delft off the northern coast of Sri Lanka. Most of the kiddies are from a disadvantaged community. There is no fresh water on that section of the island due to salinity and a low water table. The toys were from the Peninsula Senior Citizens Toy Repairer at Ingleside on Sydney’s northern beaches. Thank you to Terry and his team who do a great job.

Thank you also to Kathy and Kerry who provided a set of clothes and underwear for the 29 children who are enrolled at the pre school.

Click the link below to view the video.

April 2022 – School stationery distribution

162 school packs were distributed via Sr Shanthini (0ur local partner) to disadvantaged students who live in hill country plantations. I am told that current prices are sky high in comparison to the the original costs paid just a week before. The children and their families greatly appreciate the donation.

40 packs of ‘Relief rations’ arrive at the Creche – sat 26th March 2022

40 Dry ration packs were purchased for the Mum’s who are registered with the Bethlehem Creche on sat 25th March. Due to the current economic conditions basic food prices have sky rocketed. There are regular power cuts, queues for petrol, cooking gas, kerosene (for cooking), milk powder and according to the news the elderly are fainting or dying standing in the hot sun for hours. It seems there is no end to the crisis but its good to be able to help with help from our kind supporters. The dry rations packs contained 5kg red rice, 3 kg dhal,6 pkts of samaposha (children’s nutritious cereal produced locally), 1 ltr cooking oil, 1kg coconut milk powder, 1 kg sprats, and 2 kg of rice flour – cost A$ 31 per package. Thank you to our supporters who made this possible. It’s almost 1 month since the Creche was able to provide dry rations to poor female headed households with young children. Unfortunately, we could not access milk powder.

Dry rations

March 2022 – News update – Current situation in Sri Lanka in regard to students …. very sad state of affairs if the govt has no funds to purchase paper for examinations!

We are in the process of purchasing school packs for students to be handed out in April in Sri Lanka. If you would like to assist by donating or assisting with purchases please contact Anne via email.

Community service Opportunities for school students are now available for year 9 students – 2022. Please contact Anne!

Students can give their time to helping a disadvantaged child by providing learning tools for school and pre school. Some examples are printing and laminating alphabets (English, Sinhala and Tamil), printing and stapling puzzle books (instructions provided). You may be able to do jobs at home eg: car wash and purchase and donate toothbrushes, underwear for children and needed items). Mostly these are very basic things we take for granted that will bring some happiness to a school student. Note the needs are very specific and need to be completed over the next couple of weeks as we are planning a shipment to Sri Lanka in March/April. All of the work can be done in your own home but it is very specific so please contact Anne to discuss what you can do and how and when it needs to be completed and handed in. A certificate for your work and hours can be provided.

Some examples of the work that students can do to gain community service hours

Merry Christmas & Best Wishes in 2022

to all our friends and supporters

The latest newsletter (December 2021 Christmas issue) is now available


We have been able to provide a further 50 dry ration packs to families of children who attend the Bethlehem Creche. Whilst the creche is closed due to covid the families are notified to pick up dry rations as most have no support due to loss of jobs. Sr Florella is most grateful to all those who have made this possible. The rations include 5 kg red rice, 3 kg dhaal, 1pkt of coconut milk powder, 2 cakes of soap, 500 ml cooking oil, 1200 gms (6 x 200gm) packs of samaposha a locally made nutritious cereal for children, 400 gms milk powder and 100gms of tea leaves.

If you would like to help these families Donations are NOT tax deductible but are needed during this time due to the pandemic.

In October 2021 we were able to send Christmas gifts to the children and staff at the Bethlehem Creche and these will be distributed sometime in January 2022 upon arrival.

We are planning a shipment of late Christmas gifts to disadvantaged children from various part of Sri Lanka in Jan 2022. Double vaccinated volunteers are needed to attend the packing dates. Monday 17 January to Saturday January 22nd 2022. Registrations will be essential. Please await further notifications.


Our plans to ship Christmas gifts to Sri Lanka for 800 children together with corporate goods that can be repurposed for hundreds of children and poor families is on hold due to covid 19 restrictions.

In July 2021 we gave out 40 dry ration packs to poor families registered with the Creche. They were collected by the single Mums who have all lost their jobs due to covid 19. Most work as casual labour cleaning homes and in general domestic work.

On 31 August the Sri Lankan govt declared a food emergency. So, we have organised a 2nd pack of dry rations for 50 families registered with the Bethlehem Creche. The mothers will collect these dry rations from the gate (due to covid) and this will happen around the 7th of September.

The dry ration packs for September consists of: 5 kg red rice, 3 kg dhaal, 2kg green gram, 500gms brown sugar, 1 pkt (400 gm) milk powder, 1 pkt (200 gm) kids cereal samaposha. Cost is approximately $20. The mothers will be notified to collect it from the Creche during next week. Covid 19 delta strain is also rife in the country so the poor are in very difficult circumstances.

If you wish to make a donation click Donate for the banking details.,have%20money%20to%20import%20food%20for%20its%20people.

As at sunday September 5th 2021 50% (25) of the dry ration packs were collected by the families.